Does Weed Killer Kill Grass?

2019-03-20T03:59:53+00:00July 27th, 2017|Categories: Lawn Care|

Your lawn has been taken over by weeds. You’re not sure how it happened. Maybe you got busy at work, missed a couple of weed control applications, or faced circumstances that took your focus away from lawn care. Either way, it’s time to deal with the weeds. “Does Weed Killer Kill Grass?” – A Question We [...]

Getting Rid of Summertime Grassy Weeds

2019-03-20T03:59:54+00:00July 24th, 2017|Categories: Lawn Care|

The warmer months can be a troublesome time for lawn care. Not only are homeowners facing drought, nutsedge, grub damage, and bare spots, they also must deal with invasive plants trying to take over. Getting rid of summertime grassy weeds can be difficult, but it is possible with patience and a game plan. The Terrible Three: [...]

How to Kill Nutsedge

2019-03-20T03:59:54+00:00July 13th, 2017|Categories: Lawn Care|

One of the frequently asked questions we receive annually is on how to kill nutsedge. Unfortunately, this grassy weed is one of the most problematic and challenging weeds to eradicate. Let’s explore why for a minute. What is the Nutsedge Weed? Our working definition of a “weed” is any undesirable plant in your lawn. Nutsedge easily [...]

Grub Damage in Lawns

2019-03-20T03:59:54+00:00July 6th, 2017|Categories: Lawn Care|

Summer evenings can be an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, as long as you are prepared to deal with the heightened activity of insects. Some of these summer insects can be harmful, like mosquitos. Other insects can be considered more of a nuisance than an attacker. One example of the latter is the scarab beetle, [...]

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