In the 1930s, the Red Imported Fire Ant was accidentally introduced to the United States through a port in Mobile, Alabama. In the over 80 years since that seaside cargo mishap, at least 15 states in the country, including Texas, have found themselves infested with this horrible pest. Furthermore, it’s estimated that 20 million people are stung by fire ants in their very own yards annually.
There are several different species of fire ant but the Solenopsis invicta (a.k.a. The Red Imported Fire Ant) is considered the worst of the bunch for a few reasons. First, this species of fire ant can rapidly reproduce (only 30 days from egg to adult ant), meaning an infestation is basically a fast-moving lawn destroyer. Additionally, fire ants demonstrate aggressive, swarming behavior. Finally, a fire ant’s sting is extremely painful and can be dangerous to people who are allergic (similar to those who have allergies to bee stings).
Think fire ants have taken up residence in your lawn? Typically these little buggers like to build their mounds, which can range in height from 18 to 24 inches, in soil that receives a lot of direct sunlight. Also, fire ants aren’t picky and will build their mound in almost any type of soil. Furthermore, a single mound will serve as a home for several hundred thousand fire ants and at least one queen. Due to this fact, a person can receive numerous stings from multiple ants if you just so happen to be enjoying a day outside in your yard.
The best way to handle a fire ant infestation is to prevent one before it happens. Here in Collin County, fire ants are so common that the preferred method for addressing this issue is by administering a high-quality product that will last all year.Ready to evict those fire ants? Contact our experts in Allen, Frisco, McKinney, and Plano today to schedule a consultation.